
Date Revision Description Author
1/23/2003 0.9 Initial Draft Kenneth Lewelling
4/4/2003 0.91 Converted document to xml for use with Maven. Kenneth Lewelling

Characteristic Information

Goal in Context: Create an "Action" resource within the OpenCms VFS.
Preconditions: Actor is in the OpenCms admin role and has write rights to the VFS
Successful End Condition: A new "Action" resource is created and a new action mapping definition is created in the Struts configuration file.
Failed End Condition: An "Action" resource is not created
Primary Actor: Struts Developer
Trigger: Actor selects "New" icon in the VFS.

Success Scenario

  1. The actor selects action from the list of resources to create and clicks "Continue".
  2. The actor fills in the name, title, keywords, and description of the action and selects, from a list of install Struts applications, the Struts application the action belongs to.
  3. Actor select "Finished".
  4. OpenCms-Struts adds a new resource to the VFS using the information given, and adds a new action mapping definition in the Struts application selected in the wizard.
  5. The Struts configuration file is parsed and checked for errors, then Struts is restarted.


2a. No Struts applications exist to add the action to.
2aa. Actor performs or delegates to a Struts Administrator UC12 to add a new Struts application
2ab. Actor continues at step 1.
2b. Actor enter information for an action that already exists in the VFS.
2ba. A CmsException: "Resource already exists" will be thrown.
2bb. Actor selects "OK" and continues at step 2.
3a. Actor selects "Cancel".
3aa. Actor is returned to the VFS with no changes being made.
5a. The configuration file has errors.
5aa. The "action" resource is removed, and changes in the configuration file are rolled back.


There are no sub-variations.

Related Information

Super Ordinate Use Case:

Subordinate Use Case:

Open Issues
